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Monday, January 11, 2010

Playing and Dancing

Happy New Year! Well, Olivia has been having a great time playing with all her new toys and showing off her dancing skills to us! She can be quite a ham sometimes! What's really neat is that my parents got her a soft photo album and put pictures of all the members of our immediate families and of our friends Randy, Sara and Gracie in it. Olivia LOVES that album and can tell you who almost everyone is in it. She'll just pick it up and yell "Papa!" and find him in it then go through and show us Drew and Nana and Gracie and . . . She is still having some trouble saying "Grandma," "Grandmom," and "Granddad" - but she definitely can point them out if we ask her to. I'll have to work on getting a video of her going through it for you all to see.

Here she is playing with her new Sit-N-Spin (I know, right - they're actually still making these - my brother and I used to play with ours all the time!). Gracie (and Sara and Randy) got it for her.

I also got a great picture of her *Cheesing* on her new bike from Grandmom and Granddad. I'll need to get a video of her riding on it. She still can't reach the pedals but can really move around on it pretty well by pushing off the ground with her feet. (You can see all her teefers in this picture, too!)

Olivia has also been a pretty good girl about sitting at her new little table to eat her dinners and color (except for one incident when I left the room to load the dishwasher and came back in and she was sitting on top of the table coloring the WHOLE table!! - Thank goodness for magic erasers!)

Olivia has been growing a lot lately. We need to go through her clothes again and pull out all the clothes she's outgrown. Not only is she growing - but her hair has really started to grow. She has these really cute little *wings* in the back and sides of her hair. Here are some good pictures of her hair from when she was brushing her teeth. Look how long it is getting!

Brush, brush, brush . . .
Oh, yeah, here's a family picture from my family at Christmas that I forgot to put on the last blog. (it was sitting in my email from my dad).

And, here's the best part of this blog - Olivia's great dance moves! She has really started to LOVE to dance to any and all music playing. She twirls, squats, claps and sways. She has started dancing even better than this lately - we just need to get another video of her. But for now - these two videos are pretty funny!!

I will do my best to get some more videos of Olivia dancing and doing all the fun and silly things that she's been doing lately.

1 comment:

Kiwi Lexie said...

Hi Olivia!! Tell your daddy to stop laughing at you when you dance. I bet you dance better than him you are WAY cuter! :) See you in April!!