Hello everyone! Well, baby had her first Christmas and although it was rough on all of us to travel around so much, we had a wonderful time and Santa managed to find Olivia wherever we went! We started out our holiday with my family coming up to our house to spend Christmas eve and Christmas morning with us so Olivia could have her first Christmas in her own home. Here we all are sitting down to dinner on Christmas eve (except me since I'm taking the picture):
Well, Santa definately found our house alright and spoiled Olivia pretty good for her first Christmas. Here's the tree stocked with presents after Santa came (of course, 90% of it is for Olivia!):
Here I am helping Olivia open her stocking - a nice fun pooh-bear ball . . .
Opening some presents - here's her drum (see the video down below):
Can you all find the baby in all this wrapping paper? She had quite a good time playing around in all that paper.
Here she is in her Christmas dress (with Uncle Sean) getting ready to hit the road to go to a family get-together with part of Grant's family. We hit the road around 1pm to head to Mooresboro to see some of Grant's family. Then headed back up to Lenoir that evening.
Aren't her little shoes cute? That's the first time she's worn shoes and they were so cute on her.
Santa seemed to find Olivia at Grant's parent's house, too. We opened presents there the morning after Christmas. Can you tell that "Santa" had a LOT of fun "making" toys for the new babies!?!?! You can barely even see Olivia behind that pile of goodies!

Here's cousin Drew getting into the Christmas spirit!

Here's the mess we made at Grandmom and Granddad's house:
"Thanks Nana for showing me how to work my new top."

After we opened presents at Grandmom and Granddad's and hung out with everyone for the day, we went down to Grandma and Papa's house in Huntersville that night. Then on Sunday we drove back up to Lenoir for another family get-together. Here's Olivia hanging out with her cousin Karlee:

Here's cousin Drew hanging out with Cousin Triston:
Mommy and baby:

We *tried* to get a good family photo and this was the best one I had. Everyone is at least looking at the camera (except the babies) and is looking pretty decent (except Sasha - sorry Sasha!).
Left to right. Front: Becca with Drew, Sherry with Olivia, Nana, Sasha with Triston, Paula with Sawyer. Back: John, Chad, Mike, Grant, Alan, Jason with Karlee, Tyler with Gracie.
All the babies were worn out by the end of the day. It's been a LONG week for everyone.

Here's one of Olivia's other Christmas outfits. Look at the little Mrs. Claus!

Well we had a great time seeing everyone on our travels and Olivia definately got spoiled by everyone! (Especially the grandparents!) All in all baby's first Chrismas was wonderful and a lot of fun. However, we were very happy to be home again. Olivia had a lot of fun, but did not sleep well at all away from home. She missed her crib and so did we as we stayed up with her and tried to calm her down at 3am. Our first night back she slept almost 12 hours - that was great!
Here are some pictures of her playing with some of her new toys. The first picture and video is of her playing with her new car that Aunt Sue got her. She loves when daddy pushes her around in it. Thanks, Aunt Sue!

Here's Olivia showing off her new Red Sox hat that Papa got her. (and of course, she's wearing her Wolfpack shirt to pull for our guys in the bowl game . . . too bad it didn't help!)

Here's Olivia playing with her new drum. She's already gotten the hang of it:
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas too. Please have a wonderful New Year and be safe as you welcome in 2009!