Ok, so I have to say a Happy (late) Birthday to little Drew who turned 1 on the 16th. We all went to his party (on the 15th) and hung out with all the other cute little babies that were there. (Olivia has never been around so many little ones - there were 7 babies there!) However, poor little Drew wound up getting sick just as the other guests were arriving. He wound up with a stomach bug and all but missed his first birthday party! What sucky timing that was! We did at least get to sing to him and hang out a little bit.
And NO, Olivia did not get sick from Drew . . . but I did. Yup, wound up with a fun stomach bug most of last week. Then, of course, Olivia got it from me! She still isn't quite over it and has really been struggling with it. We thought she was getting better this weekend, but then Sunday night she got really sick again. I took her to the doctor on Monday and they told me to take her off of formula for 24 hours and that should settle her stomach down. We did (and she hated it!), and she was doing better last night and this morning. So I gave her some formula this morning (which she LOVED - no more fighting bottles for this little one!) Then . . . they called us from daycare this afternoon. She had gotten really upset with stomach pains and then got sick everywhere. Poor little baby. She slept on my lap all day after that, and I managed to get some food and a bottle in her before bedtime. She has been really sleepy all day and you can just tell that she doesn't feel well. Anyway, hopefully she'll sleep well and feel better in the morning. It is going on a full week since she first got sick - it has to be over soon . . . right!?
Well, that is my excuse for not blogging sooner . . . and I'm sticking to it! :)
Anyway, Happy Valentines Day everyone! Here are some cute pictures of Olivia in her Valentine PJ's from Grandma and Papa:
Check out the "Be Mine" heart on her bum!
She did have a REALLY cute little Valentine outfit from Grandmom and Granddad on when we were going to Huntersville on Valentines Day (for Drew's party), but unfortunately, she got sick in the car all over herself and . . . well, the outfit never made it all the way there. I'll get it back on her one day soon and get a picture to show you all.
Here's a picture of Olivia with her little friend Sophia from daycare. Right now it is just the two of them since little Bryce moved to Florida.

Here's just a cute picture of Olivia under her little music table.

Ok, so for Chrismas Olivia's great-Aunt Sue got her that cool little car that you all have seen videos of her riding on. Well, the car folds up into a walker and, well, Olivia has been practicing - check her out:
Here's just a cute picture of Olivia under her little music table.
Ok, so for Chrismas Olivia's great-Aunt Sue got her that cool little car that you all have seen videos of her riding on. Well, the car folds up into a walker and, well, Olivia has been practicing - check her out:
Aside from her trying to learn how to walk and going all over the place, we wanted to show you a couple more videos we took of her.
Here's a video of her reading one of her books and dancing to the music a little bit. She has really enjoyed her books that play music.
I know we've shown you all several videos with her knocking down her towers, but we've noticed that she now starts squinting right before she knocks them down and it is pretty funny. Here is a video of her squinting as she gets this tower: