Happy Winter, everyone! Well, we had a nice snow storm this past weekend and we had a good time playing out in the snow and sledding down our back hill with Olivia. She was too young when it snowed last winter to remember it or do very much out in it, so we were happy to have the chance to bring her out in the snow and go sledding this year. Our back yard has a great hill for sledding and we took full advantage of it! Sara, Randy and Gracie came over on Sunday to try out our hill, as well. Unfortunately, we don't have a sled and they were sold out everywhere around town so I couldn't get one. So, we used our boogie boards from the beach. They worked great on Saturday when it was REALLY cold and the snow was still pretty hard. On Sunday, it didn't work as well, but still got the job done. Sara and Randy's REAL sled worked much better. Looks like I'll need to go get a sled for the next time it snows!
We took lots of pictures and videos from our winter fun. We had a great time!

Look at Olivia in her cute little snow gear!

The 2 little buddies!

Sledding as a family (on the REAL sled!)

The girls each made a snow angel (with help). Here's Olivia's:

Playing in the snow:

The Robersons
So, now the fun begins. Here are a TON of videos of us acting like kids playing in the snow. Olivia had a great time sledding - she's such a little dare-devil. Gracie was a bit more hesitant.
Olivia and Daddy Sledding
So the first time I went down the hill with Olivia on the sled, my sled (i.e. boogie board) turned sideways part way down the hill and we fell off. I was able to keep Olivia sitting up-right so she didn't get covered in snow. Me . . . not so much. Check it out:
The second attempt was a success:
Then Olivia got to have a sled ride from Daddy:
These next videos are from Sunday when Randy, Sara and Gracie came over to sled with us. We all had a good time, but the girls were pretty worn out and cranky by the time they left.
Olivia and Daddy
Olivia and Mommy
With Daddy, Again.
Here comes Sara and Gracie:!
Family Sled ride!
So that was our winter adventures for the weekend! I have a cute story to tell you from a couple weeks ago that I forgot to mention in my previous blogs. So, we worked with Olivia to learn who Santa was for Christmas this year and she got to be pretty good and recognizing pictures of Santa (or "Sanna" as she calls him). Well, she has not gotten to where ANYONE with white hair and a white beard is Santa. She saw a commercial with Charlie Daniels and yelled "SANNA!!" and same with anyone else on TV with white hair and a white beard. Well we were eating lunch at Chili's back in the beginning of January and the man at the next table had white hair and a big white beard and was wearing a red shirt, even. Well, Olivia was mesmerized by him and just kept staring at him calling him "Sanna"! The man thought it was very cute and it turns out that he really was Santa! He was a Mall Santa and took much pride in it. He and his wife were very nice and Olivia got to meet Santa! It was very cute!
Well, aside from meeting Santa, Olivia has gotten to really enjoy twirling and dancing and such. Here's a video of her "twirling" and one of her playing a game of getting "gooched" by daddy. She was so funny - Grant gooched her behind and she thought it was so funny that she just kept backing up into him to get gooched again! She would run away then start backing up from the other side of the room! ha ha
In other news . . . I have finally gotten Olivia to say "luv you!" to us. I've been working on this for a LONG time and now she will say it to us quite a bit. I even caught it on video for you: