I have some big news about Olivia's eyes - we had her latest follow-up from her last eye surgery and we decided that the tubes should come out. My thoughts were, if they haven't healed in over 6 months, they probably won't. And I'd rather us find out now if the surgery didn't work (or that the ducts are going to close back up) and get it fixed again before the summertime so that she doesn't have to endure another miserable summer again! She couldn't hardly handle being outside last summer and we don't want to do that to her again - especially with her being so much more active now.
Olivia did pretty well when the doctor pulled the tubes out (with tweezers . . . in the office . . . while I was holding her . . . arg!). The tubes were longer than I had thought they were - about 2 inches! eek! Anyway, since then, she seems to be doing pretty well with her eyes. Still a little leaky at times, but mostly pretty good. We even went out a bunch this past weekend and the sun didn't bother her! Yeah! Another sign that the ducts are open is that she is now the snotty nosed kid that we never had! So, her tears must be running down into her nose like they are supposed to! Who ever thought we'd be happy to see a snotty nose! lol
Aside from that, Olivia has learned how to jump - and actually get off the ground. She figured it out at the little gym last Tuesday and has been jumping around like a crazy person ever since. We have some videos of her, but I forgot my camera cable to upload them - so I'll post the pics/videos later on. We've been going to the little gym twice a week lately - there's another class for her age on Tuesday nights, in addition to the Saturday morning class - and they've let us go to a second class for free this semester! She loves it!
I also signed her up for swim classes again this spring. Her little friends, Masyn and Logan have also signed up for the same class - so they'll be together again! It starts in April. I'll be sure to post pictures when we start the class again!
Aside from all of that, we have still been pretty busy. Grant and his business partner have hired some folks to help them out at the clinic and are looking to even hire some more. They have gotten pretty busy up there and are doing REALLY well, considering they have only been open almost a year. They are actually having an open house to celebrate the 1-year mark next Thursday, the 18th from 12-2pm. We would love to see some of our friends out there if you can make it. They are located in Wake Forest behind the new Shucker's restaurant. Olivia and I will be there, too!
It seems like babies are everywhere right now! I have so many friends that are preggars right now - Becca, Angela, Harmony (with twins!), Diane . . . Who's next??? Wow! How exciting! Even Olivia has been really into babies lately. They have some babies at her daycare now and ever since little Madison started coming there, Olivia would come home and play with her two baby-dolls. She burps them, feeds them (her milk!), and tucks them in with a blanket while telling them "night night." The baby dolls have also made appearances at restaurants with us and elsewhere as she won't leave the house without one of them sometimes. It is very funny!
Hopefully this coming weekend will be as nice as last weekend. We took Olivia to the park both Saturday and Sunday. (She LOVES the swings!) We also went for a walk Monday evening after I picked her up from daycare. I'm not sure what we are doing tonight - but if it's still nice out, we'll probably be out walking again!
Well, that's about all for now. I hope you all are doing well and I'll try to get my pics/videos uploaded soon to show you guys. Take care!
11 years ago
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