What a busy weekend we had! We (Grant, myself, Sara and Randy) took the girls on a surprise trip to The Great Wolf Lodge in Williamsburg, VA. We went last year and the girls had a great time - so we wanted to take them again this year. (We were supposed to go last month, but that was the weekend I wound up in the hospital, so we postponed until this past weekend).
Olivia had no idea where we were taking her. Here is a video from when we arrived and she got to look out into the water park and figure out where we were. Notice what she says at the end of the video - what a mess!
Sara and Randy got there later that evening and didn't get a chance to hit the water park that day. (We only went for a little over an hour the first night). We had dinner with them and then it was time to get the girls to bed. We were going to attempt to let them sleep on the pull out couch together - well, here's the couple minutes that they were actually both asleep the first night:
Needless to say, the first night was not too successful with them sleeping - especially Olivia! We wound up awake with her most of the night and she was back and forth to our bed - Gracie also wound up in bed with her parents. The second night was MUCH better. We wore them out all day at the water park and they actually slept the entire night in bed together!
Now onto the good stuff. Here are some pictures and videos from the water park. This is from the first night that Grant, Olivia and I were in the park.
Our little swim suit model:

She LOVED the water slides! She would go down then the first thing out of her mouth when she got to the bottom was "I wanna go again!"

Here is a video of her going down. She would have done this all night if we let her!
The next day we had both girls in the water park. They both had a great time! Just like last year, Gracie was a bit more hesitant to do the water slides then our "No Fear" Olivia (but she warmed up to them).

Here is a video showing Olivia going down the slide then Gracie considering sliding - changing her mind, then Olivia going again. You can see how quickly she gets off the slide then gets right back up there again!

Here are the girls sliding down together. After we put the camera away, the actually slid down holding hands the whole way! How sweet!

By the end of the day, Olivia had gone down the slide on her stomach head first, feet first and then eventually decided to get really daring and she just started going down backwards. This child really has NO FEAR! Here's a video of her going down backwards:
There were some bigger water slides in the center of the park - adult sized! They told us that as long as she could sit up, she could do it - but had to go by herself. So we asked her if she wanted to, and of course she did! The three of us went up, one parent went first and stayed at the bottom to catch her while the other helped her go down. Then the last parent got to ride. You could see her spinning around and flipping over down the slide - but when you caught her at the bottom - she said "I wanna go again!" - she's such a dare devil! We did it about 4 times in a row! All of the older kids that were in line were amazed at how daring she was!
That night we went to dinner at a place called Jungle Jims. Here is a picture of the girls being goofy out front:

Sunday morning we had to check out so we really didn't have time to go back into the water park again. Instead, we went down to the arcade to play around. Here is a picture and video of the girls playing around:

We had a great time, but it was a long weekend! I'm still recovering! LOL. We cannot wait for her to get big enough to do the bigger rides.