Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Little Friends
Monday, April 20, 2009
Little Fishy!
We also had another first for Olivia this weekend. We took her to the Red and White NC State Football game on Saturday. We didn't stay very long because she didn't seem to enjoy it as much as daddy had hoped. (I think it was a little bright out for her and she is still getting over her cold.) But we did get a few pictures to remember the occasion.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Grant's New PT Clinic - Open House

Their info is:
Monday, April 13, 2009
Easter in Lenoir
Well, that's about all for now. We'll keep you posted on what's going on with her as best we can. Right now we all have colds (I have ANOTHER sinus infection) and Olivia is also still teething and having a rough time with it. One of her top teeth has broken through and you can see the other one under the surface, but it hasn't quite gotten through yet. I sure hope they hurry up and come in so that her mouth won't hurt her so much! Other than that, we are just working and enjoying hanging out with our little angel. Until next time - take care!
Watch her GO!
She took SEVENTEEN steps, then about 6 more the second time. I did NOT know Grant was still taping when I was yelling for Mom, but I'm REALLY glad we got all of that on film! Just look at her go! She'll be a "walker" before you know it!
Easter in Huntersville
Olivia had a fun time over there playing with all of Grandma's toys!
We had a good time hanging out with my family, too, and spent some time checking out their gardening and fishies in the backyard.
Hanging out with Papa:
Ok, so I'm thinking that this next picture is also a possibility for the magazine contest. What do you guys think?
But she wasn't so sure about the grass on her bare feet. Doesn't she look so sweet in her little dress? I got her a dress for both Saturday and Sunday for Easter.
Here she is taking a walk with daddy - she's trying to figure out how to maneuver in gravel.
Uncle Sean got a new puppy and Olivia had a great time playing with him. He is only 8 weeks old and is a boxer-American bulldog mix. Isn't he CUTE!!!
Aside from all of that, Olivia has been working on her skills . . . no no . . . you'll have to wait for the next post to see what she did while we were at my parent's house. Wait and see!
Easter at Home
Cousin Drew Came To Visit!
Well, we had a lot of fun when Chad, Becca, Drew AND Grandmom and Granddad came to visit us last weekend. Our friends, Randy and Sara brought Gracie over, too and we all went to the park! So, I guess that makes this the Baby Bash 2009!
Remember Baby Bash 2008??? Here are the three babies from 6/28/08 - when Olivia was only 2 weeks old, Drew was 4 1/2 months old and Gracie was 5 1/2 months old!
Now look at the three of them!
Here's Olivia's first time down a big slide:
Then we went down a REALLY big slide together:
And we HAD to do the swings again, of course! Olivia always loves the swings.
Here are the 2 cousin's hanging out.
After the park, we went to show off Grant's new office and the kids had a blast playing on the mini trampoline.
Then Dr. Daddy helped Olivia get her workout done while we were there, too!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Also, she is getting to be so much fun to play with now. She is at a really great age now where we can "chase" her around and she just "run-crawls" as fast as she can laughing and squealing away. I have a couple videos of us playing with her later in this blog!
Well, without further delay (since I know some of you have been waiting a long time to see more pics of little Livi) here are some "fashion show" pictures of her showing off some of her outfits:
Here she is posing showing off her cool Osh-Kosh jeans! Isn't she a little diva??
Here is her cute little lamb sweater that she has finally grown into. We got this at one of her showers.
Love the leopard pants!
Ok, so I get this free Baby Talk magazine and there is a contest in there for the next "Cover Baby" and I wanted to enter Olivia into the contest. It says to send in a photo of your baby that shows her face and her personality. Here are some of the pictures I am thinking of sending in. Let me know which ones you like the best. (I just LOVE the cute little overall outfit with her supercool Red Sox hat from Papa!)
(Ok, this one wasn't one I was going to send in - but I just thought I'd show you how Olivia was wearing her Sox hat just like Papa does!)
Contest Pic #3
Contest Pic #6
Here is one more video of her using her walker. She's gotten to be a pro at it. So much so, that she actually took her first steps last weekend without it - on her own. She took one little shuffle step at our neighbors house when we went over for dinner saturday night. Then we were at home with her on and she started taking 3-4 steps at a time walking across from one end of our "L" shaped couch to the other end (cutting the corner). Since then, she has been "practicing" here and there. No "Official" walker status yet, but she's working on it. She still gets a little nervous when she's not holding onto anything and tends to sit down so she won't fall, but she's making progress. I've been trying to catch it on video for you, but every time I pull out the camera, she sits down. ha ha!
Well, that's about all for this installment of Olivia's Life. Tune in next time to hear about the fun Easter trip Drew and Olivia had when he came up to see her last weekend for the Baby Bash 2009!