Hello friends! Well, my little girl is now officially a one-year old! My gosh, time flies by so quickly! Well, we had her 1st birthday party on Sunday (on her actual birthday) and it went really well. We had tons of family and many friends come to celebrate with us. Some from as far away as Rhode Island (thanks for coming to *surprise* us Aunt Sue!), and we had a whole bunch of Grant's family come in all the way from Lenoir! Thanks to all that came to celebrate with us - it really meant a lot to have you there on Olivia's special day.
Well, before we get into the festivities, I have to show you all my hard work from Saturday first. I told you all that I was going to make Olivia's cake myself, right? Well, it was an all day project on Saturday and I even had some help from a couple friends and my mom (thanks Sara, Harmony and Mom - and Diane for the moral support!). It was quite an undertaking but turned out pretty awesome. Ace of Cakes has nothing on us! Check it out:

I even took a video so you can see the details up close. Check out the little critters we made to go along with our "Spring" theme of butterflies, bumble bees, grasshoppers & ladybugs.
And now, let's watch how quickly Olivia can destroy her little cake!!
Here we are singing Happy Birthday to Olivia. I managed to blow out the candle *just* before she tried to grab it. Wow, those mommy reflexes are quick!
Even Ms. Muriel and Ms. Angela stopped by to wish her a happy birthday. Look how she just lights up around Ms. Muriel!

Some one's on a sugar-high!!!
Here's Olivia playing with her cousin Karlee.

Olivia and Drew LOVED playing with the balloons. (as did all the kids!) It was fun just watching them!
After the Cake, the kids all came outside to play with the water tables. They were a big hit. The weather turned out to be beautiful. We all had a great time.

From bottom left around clockwise: Gracy, Olivia, Triston, Gracie, Drew, Sawyer (Karlee's not shown (see picture above!)

And of course, the two little buddies (Olivia and Gracie) enjoyed hanging out together.

At some point, Gracie wound up soaked (as did most of the kids) and she decided to streak the party. (Children under age should close their eyes for the next couple pictures!)

Here's Olivia in her new chair that we got her (it even has her name embroidered on it) with the teddy bear that I made her. She really loves that chair and has been in it a bunch already!

Check out the cute bow she has on! It is cousin Karlee's bow - we just wanted to see if she had enough hair to wear it and she actually did! How cute is that!

And here is cousin Drew haming it up for the camera. He LOVED being the life of the party on Sunday!

Even Nana was able to make it over for her party. Here's part of the family before they left.

Well, I think that about wraps up the first year of Miss Olivia's wonderful life. It has had it's ups and downs (mostly ups!), but every second has been action packed! Last night she was wondering around saying "ba . . .ooooon" isn't that cute! She is still learning something nearly every day and we will continue to keep you updated with all her new happenings. Until next time. Take care and keep in touch.