Beach trip 2009 for the Nelson Family went well . . . for the most part! Yeah, sleeping beauty here didn't do so well at night (or shall we say VERY early in the morning), but other than that, it was a lot of fun to see the little cousins get to hang out at the beach together. Here they are hanging by the pool:

Check out Olivia in her cool little lilypad float:

And Drew in his cool Crab!

Here's where we *tried* to go play miniature golf. I say *tried* because, well, Drew LOVED the train ride SO much that he, well, . . . wasn't too happy to get off the ride when it was time to play. Then he LOVED hitting the golf ball SO much that he wasn't so happy when he had to wait in line for our turn at the next hole. Yeah, sometimes 1-year olds don't understand taking turns so well. Needless to say that trying to play miniature golf with 2 1-year olds was not the best idea so we got a rain check after the first hole and packed it up.

This is a cute little Drew and Olivia sized bench out in the lobby of one of the restaurants that we went to eat at. They really enjoyed showing off for the incoming customers!

Check out miss Hollywood with her supercool shades heading out to the beach! Poor little girl had to wear her sunglasses the whole time because her eyes were so bad in the sun. Pretty sure that she has some blocked tear ducts (tell you more about that in my next post after her doctor's appt.)
Here we are making a sand castle with daddy. At least "trying" to.

Here's the castle Olivia and Mommy made together. Ok, so it's not spectacular - but you try making a castle with someone stomping on it! :)

Here's Olivia and daddy jumping waves out in the ocean. She had a BLAST out there. She is definately a beach baby! Check out that tongue!

Here she is checking out the hotties passing by on the beach before she goes out for the day.

She loved just playing in the waves and sand. We could barely keep up with her. It was so much fun just watching her play out there.
Here's Drew trying to catch some fish.

By the end of the day, Olivia was so wiped out that halfway around the lazy river at our hotel and she was passed out (of course it could have been her waking up at 3am . . .) Check it out!

Here's Granddad hanging out with the little ones in the hotel room.

Well, that's about all for the beach trip. We had a good time, but would have liked for Olivia to sleep a little better. I think the trip next year will be much better! Thanks Alan and Susan for everything! We had a great time!
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