I was finally able to get piggy tails in Olivia's hair. (I had to wait for it to get long enough AND for her to be still enough for me to do it!) So she had piggy tails all weekend! Look how cute!

Gracie also got piggy tails (though, hers were short-lived!). Here she is when I asked her to say "cheese!" ha ha!

On Saturday Olivia and I hung out with Sara and Gracie for the day and went over to see Grant with his booth at the Wake Forest "meet the town" thingy. (where companies can set up booths to meet the public and get good advertisement, while the public and shop around and get crafts and stuff).
Afterwards, we decided to stop at Target to get a couple things (did I mention that we all rode together so the girls were screaming and going crazy in the back seat while Sara and I were going *crazy* in the front seat! They even popped one of the balloons from the vendor show in the car while Sara was driving!) Anyway, we put them both in a cart at Target (Livi in the front, Gracie in the back) and what a traveling circus it was! You can imagine me pushing them around telling Gracie to sit down repeatedly while trying not to steer too close to the isles or she'd grab everything, meanwhile Olivia was dropping a trail of raisins on the ground and spilling her milk! wow! Guess we got a glimpse into have multiple kids! Then we all went to dinner with the boys and even went and got ice cream after!
On Sunday, our good friends Lexie and Jenna came over for dinner. They are former classmates of Grant's at Duke. Lexie has spent the last several years in New Zealand getting her PhD in Physical Therapy and has never met Olivia (she left when I was pregnant), but has been a great follower of the blog. It was great to see them and catch up!

Jenna (left), Olivia and Lexie (right) looking at Olivia's scrapbook
We had a good, but busy weekend (as always!) and got to hang out with some good friends!
Here's a video of Olivia dancing! Lately she has been dancing everytime she hears any kind of music! It is just too funny!