We had our "BIG" sonogram yesterday morning (sorry it took me so long to post - had to hook up my scanner). From the blog title, you can guess (that is if you haven't already heard from us) that it is a BOY! OMG! Yep, we both thought it was going to be a boy (as did most of you that voted), but for some reason I am still in shock! I'm so used to the idea of a girl from Olivia, that I'm not sure what to do with a boy at this point. It just seems so foreign. But we are thrilled and really excited to bring our little baby boy into this world! Now we just have to figure out what to call him! We have our work cut out for us on that front - we are both clueless with boy names (but we already had a 2nd girls name picked out from when we had Olivia!). So, we'll do some heavy thinking and figure it out and get back to you all. It is important for me to come up with a name sooner than later so I can start calling him by his name to help me to bond better with him. So, hopefully it won't be that much longer until we figure it out!
So, onto telling you all about the appointment. As always, it was amazing to see the little one/guy on the screen. He was perfect! Everything was great with his stats, his heart, brain, spine etc. He is measuring at about 9oz and has a great heartbeat - about 155 beats per minute. Even better, my placenta has decided to behave this time and attach higher up - so NO placenta previa this time. Meaning, no restrictions and scary threats! My blood pressure, iron and overall health was good. Still haven't gained more than maybe a pound, but the doc says that's fine and more typical with a second child since you are always running after the first one!
I'll need to post some more pictures of me to show you the belly that I am developing - definitely looking prego now - there's no denying it! ha ha! Ok, so onto the good stuff - here are the pictures of our little man:
The first one is obviously his head and torso:

The next one is a good profile showing him flexing his big muscles!

This is one of my favorites. Look at his cute little feet!

This one is a little harder to see. It is his face. If you lean your head to the right you can see the 2 dark spots for his eyes and one for his nose.

Then the definitive "boy" shot! Yep, they didn't even have to "tell" us he was a boy! As they were looking around and we were watching the screen - I pointed and asked - "Is that a boy????" and the sonogram tech looked up and said - yep, definitely!

So, we are in the process of trying to clear some space for the little man and also fix our house up to try to put up for sale to move up to Wake Forest. So, things are quite busy around here. We have his room almost cleared out now. Our handy man will be here next week to start helping us fix up the house and we are going to have him paint the new baby's room (just in case we are still here when he comes). Now we just have to figure out what color! I also need to order Olivia's "Big Girl" bed and furniture for her - that will be her birthday present (besides, we need the crib back that she is using as a toddler bed). So, lots of changes and moving stuff around!
I don't have another appointment for 4 weeks (it is actually on my birthday - June 2nd). So, I'll give you guys another update on baby after that. In the mean time, I'll keep you posted on how we are all doing and how little Olivia is doing.