I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, I know we did! Santa was very good to all of us. We had some big surprises this year and really had a great time. Here's Olivia opening her stocking with Daddy:

I know that everyone knows that Olivia asked Santa for a Princess for Christmas. Well . . .
She got plenty of them!
Grandma and Papa also got her this really cool Tinkerbell sleeping bag that came in a pretty nice tinker bell backpack. She loves it! She has already been stuffing anything she can find in the bag and she has the sleeping bag on her bed!

Santa also brought her a big Tinkerbell tent. She has always loved making tents and would ask us to draw them or make them all the time. We thought that it would be a great present for Santa to get her - so we let him know - and he did!
Here she is hanging out in her new tent playing with her new "puter" - the iXL computer system for kids. She LOVES this thing - she draws on it, has pictures on it, learns letters on it and plays games on it. She even got a princess game for it.

Even Chuck likes the tent!

Here's the biggest surprise from Santa we got. I had no idea at all:
Yep, Santa gave us a trip to Disney World for a whole week at the end of February. I had really been wanting to take Olivia before she turned 3 (i.e. while she's still free) and apparently Santa was listening. He even planned a ton of character meals so Olivia can meet a whole bunch of the characters and princesses. We are even eating at the castle! How exciting! Olivia doesn't really understand, but we are trying to explain it all to her and get her excited. She is pretty thrilled about going to the castle and meeting all the characters and princesses. I cannot wait to go! How awesome! Thanks, Santa!!
She even got a pretty little tiara and earrings in her stocking so not only did she get princess and will get to meet princesses - she can "BE" a princess. I think Santa covered all of his bases! lol

Here is Olivia's room now that she has her new tent and sleeping bag in it. We also took out the glider to give it some room. Now she has a big girl room!

Thank you to everyone that thought of us this Christmas and helped to spoil our little one. It was a wonderful Christmas! The only not so great part was that we didn't get to see all of our family because Christmas night we got a snow storm so we weren't able to make it to the family get-together. But we did get to enjoy a nice quiet day at home playing with all of our new toys and out in the snow. I'll post about that next time.