Tuesday, April 29, 2008
7 1/2 weeks and counting!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
April Showers
(Also like to send a Thank You out to Monica, who works with my mom, for helping out so much with everything!)
My Aunt Sue and Uncle Paul flew down from Rhode Island to come to the shower (ok, my Aunt came to the shower, my Uncle came to play golf with the boys!). That was VERY nice of them and I enjoyed seeing them! I wanted to thank them for coming down, as well.So, here are some great pictures from the shower:
Here's the cute diaper cake that they got for me!
Here I am opening some gifts!
Here's the beautiful quilt that Pam Bowman made with Susan's help! It is gorgeous AND Pam made a bear, throw pillow and Olivia's first purse to match!
(Notice how 2 of the fabrics are the same as the quilt that Diana and My mom did! )
Here I am with Susan, Jill, Clyda and Amber! Great to see you all again!
Here we are at the end of a very FULL weekend! We made it!
We also got to get our bookshelf that Alan's friend made for us - and it is beautiful! It came out better than we expected and is almost too pretty to paint! I'll post pics once we do get it painted and up in the nursery. Thanks Ricky Watson!
On the road again! Wow, didn't think we'd fit everything in there!
And here is some of Olivia's fashion styles! She already has a full closet AND almost a full dresser! Wow, we have so many clothes, not sure what to do with all of them! - But she'll be adorable!
Now that's a lot of clothes!
Thanks everyone for having/coming to the showers! I really enjoyed seeing everyone and Olivia is definately going to be a VERY well dressed, spoiled little girl! :)
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Started Birthing Class
Ok, so what else is going on with us right now?? I went back to the doctor yesterday to have them look at my rib again since I am still getting that sharp pain and see what else we could try. Now they are trying me on Nexium for a week or two to see if maybe it is acid reflux - if it works, great! If not, then I'll be off to a GI specialist! fun! I did ask them about what to expect with my 36 week ultrasound - like what it means if my placenta doesn't move any more and how far it needs to move. She told me that since it isn't covering the cervix opening anymore, I am already good to try to attempt a natural birth (most likely), but the extra ultrasound is to get a better idea of where the placenta is so that during my delivery they will know if my placenta is still close so if I have extra bleeding - they can monitor it and possibly take me for a C-Section if it gets bad. So, looks like I will most likely be attempting the normal birthing experience!
I did find out that I have lost ~4 lbs since 2 weeks ago. Not sure how that happened, I haven't been sick. I think I've just been too busy running around to eat as much as I have been. It's not a big deal unless I keep losing weight. So, I'll just keep eating when I'm hungry and we can go from there.
On a very fun note - I have my first 2 showers this coming weekend! My mom is having a shower on Saturday and my mom-in-law is having one on Sunday! My aunt Sue and uncle Paul are flying in on Friday from Rhode Island - so my aunt can come to the shower. (dad, Grant, uncle Paul and Chad, are going golfing instead of hanging around with us ladies!) They are flying into Raleigh (much cheaper than Charlotte) and are going to come by and see the house/nursery when they get here - then we'll all go to my parents (about 2 1/2 hours from here). This weekend should be fun to see everyone - but I'm sure we will be very worn out by the end of it. AND our bookshelf is ready already! Yeah! That was REALLY quick! Susan said it looks really good - I'm excited to see it and get it painted for Olivia's room!
Well, that's about all for now. I'll write more next week after our showers. I'll see a lot of you this weekend, otherwise, take care and keep in touch!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
30-Week Belly Shots

Check out the belly on that chick!

WOW, Mamma! Now, that's a belly!
As you can see, I have been GROWING! Only 10 more weeks left! (Well, that's if my little placenta continues to move on out of the way - otherwise, it may only be 7 weeks left - YIKES!)
Thursday, April 10, 2008
I get my cake and I can eat it, too!!
Bring on the cake!

Monday, April 7, 2008
I hate needles!
On a much MUCH better note - we ordered our glider this weekend! We went to visit Grant's family this weekend. Susan had found a great place that had the Dutailier gliders where you can specially order the wood finish and fabric and all the features you want. The one we ordered is going to be great! The wood finish is pretty close to our furniture and the fabric we picked is a sage green micro-fiber that matches our bedding perfectly! It will be beautiful, AND it is probably the most comfortable chair I have ever sat in! We also found out that if we ever wanted to change the fabric, we can just order replacement cusions for it. So, if we, say, have a boy in a couple years and want it to match his room, we can do that! Yeah, my long search is over!
We has also been looking for an unfinished bookshelf for her room so that I can paint it green to match and we have a solution for that, too! One of Grant's dad's friends from work builds furniture and they are going to have him make us a little bookshelf exactly how we want it! Yeah, now I just need some wall art and I'll be done with the decorating! (I just have no idea what to use for wall art!)
We also got to see little Drew (Our new nephew) this weekend and he is a cutie! He is a very serious little man - always with a serious look on his face and he wrinkles up his little forhead like he is in deep thought! But he is very cute and has very nice blue-blue eyes. I think he may actually keep his blue eyes - like his daddy! Check out their new web page: http://www.babyhomepages.net/andrewalan/index.php
Anyway, that's about all for now. I'll let you all know when I get my results back from my glucose test. Keep your fingers crossed for me! :)