Other than the bath, not a whole lot has been going on here. I did have the worst migraine ever yesterday. Those of you who know me, know that I used to get them quite a bit - but I didn't have to take care of a 3 1/2 week old at the time. I was in so much pain, I couldn't move - luckily I got her to take a nap, then my head got worse - to the point that when Grant called home to check on us at his lunch break, I was in tears and he wound up coming home to take care of us. He has been so helpful and I REALLY appreciated him coming home - as hard as it is for him to get off work - because I was in bad shape and was worried that I wouldn't be able to be there for the little one when she woke up. He has been such a good father and a wonderful husband throughout the pregnancy and since she has joined our life. Anyway, just thought I'd mention how wonderful he has been! :)
Other than all of that - we are going to *try* to go to Grant's family get-together this coming Saturday to see everyone. That is IF she has been behaving herself through this week. We don't want to attempt a road trip if she isn't in a good mood and will not travel well. So, hopefully she will behave and we'll be able to go. We have been doing better with her thanks to the advice of a couple friends. They suggested that her colic is actually gas pains and that she is confusing that with hunger pains so she keeps wanting to eat all the time. Once we tried using that approach and began giving her gas drops and such, she has been much better. Still gets into her fussy moods, but now we have a better idea of how to deal with them. So, maybe we'll get this parenting thing figured out after all! :)
Unfortunately, Grant's cousin (from his other side of the family) is having her baby shower at the same time as the family get-together and we won't be able to do both. So we're sad that we are going to miss the shower and hope to be up in Lenoir to see all of them in the near future. Best wishes Sasha and Jason.
That's about all for now, so here are a couple more Livy pics for you all:
Happy Olivia in her Frog outfit from Selena and Darrell
Just acting cute!
Passed out in her new chair - yeah!
Getting ready for night-night
Here's daddy carrying Olivia around trying to get her to fall asleep. She's just like her daddy, doesn't want to miss a thing!
Glad she likes it.
My goodness she's grown since I met her!
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