Hello again! Ok, so onto day 2 of our Wilmington journey. We awoke on Sunday morning at 6 am to a chattering Olivia . . . ugh . . . early . . . so, I fed her a small bottle in hopes that she would go back to sleep . . nope . . so, yes, we did the sin of all sins, we brought her into our bed and she finally fell back asleep for another hour. Thank you, baby!
So the plan was to take our time getting ready, meanwhile hit up the hotel breakfast, then head out to lunch before going to the aquarium. Then we would head over to my friend Jason's house to have dinner with him and his wife (a good friend of mine from college).
And here's what actually happened . . .
So I already told you about our early wake up call - no big surprise there, then Grant showered while I fed Olivia breakfast, then I showered while he got her dressed. Then he went down and scavenged us some breakfast (all according to plans so far, right??).
Ok, so here's where it went awry. We couldn't find her sandal and it was time to check-out. We looked everywhere . . . twice. . . each! She is in this stage where she loves to put stuff into things so we figured she dropped it into one of our bags (and you know that we had to pack up half our house for that one night so it could have been anywhere!!). So I was looking through bags and Grant was looking through bags and we were both getting frustrated as we were running late. Well Grant went ahead and got us checked out and I still couldn't find it by the time he got back (did I mention that I was also playing phone tag with my friend Jason that whole time, too, to set up our dinner plans!). Anyway, so in our rush to try to find her shoe, finish packing and get the heck out of there, Grant stuck his hand into the side pocket of our bag and screamed. uh oh! Yeah, blood . . . and a LOT of it! Apparently he had hit his razor head on with his middle finger (right hand) and nearly sliced off the tip of his finger! ick! So he was running it under cold water trying to get it stopped for about 10 minutes with no luck and I packed up the rest of the room. (of course, the stupid pack-n-play collapsed right on my bare foot when I was folding it up in my rush and now I have a bruise across my foot - ouch!). AND, we never did find the sandal!
SO we were off to the urgent care for some stitches. Fun - the aquarium would have to wait. After about 2 hours and a few stitches later, we still hadn't had lunch and had to get a prescription filled with a VERY cranky baby in tow. So, we found a drive through pharmacy, dropped off the perception (baby sleeping in the back) ran through the taco bell (very healthy), picked up the prescription and headed out toward the aquarium and ate in the car on the way. At least Olivia managed to get about an hour nap during all of that.
Well we FINALLY made it to the aquarium and we had a fun time. Olivia loved seeing all the fishies and enjoyed people watching even more. (we figure this must be where she picked up the hand, foot and mouth thing since there were so many other kids around there). Well, without further ado, here are the pictures and videos from our trip:

Look at that little turtle!

Can you tell that she is really into pointing now??

Look how big that alligator is!!

Check out how big this aquarium is:
Ok, so isn't this the strangest looking fish?? A flounder - look at his eyes - they are both on the same side!!!

Olivia sized lobsters:

Here's a hammerhead shark:

And a tired little Olivia with her brand new little turtle from the gift shop.

Other than all of that, we've just been trying to get this little one healthy. She has her last swim class tonight so we don't want her to miss it. I'm going to have to get going here so I can get her to eat and get a good nap in to be ready for class. Daddy is going to try to make it to take some good pictures for you all. Then Grandmom and Granddad are coming up tomorrow to hang out with Olivia without us so we can head up to Maryland for Saturday night to see one of Grant's classmates from Duke tie the knot. It will be a fun, but hectic trip. Until the next time, here are some more cute photos of the little one: