Ok, so I had my "big" doctor's appt this morning and after being poked, prodded and thoroughly checked out here are the results:
1 - The placenta has moved off of the cervix opening (good news). However, the edge of it is still only ~1 cm away from the cervix opening (still not out of the woods). They are going to do another ultrasound at 36 weeks (8 weeks from now) to check on it. I am assuming that at that appt. if it has moved away more - we are good to go for a normal delivery, if it is still really close to my cervix, I may be scheduled for an early C-Section. So, we'll wait and see on that. But for now, I do not have any major restrictions anymore (unless I have any bleeding between now and then). So that is good news!
2 - She is still a girl! We confirmed that again just to make sure. Too many people have been trying to scare us with their stories of their "girls" winding up coming out boys! So we confirmed that Olivia is not Oliver! ha ha (Now I can wash the bedding and get that all put together)
3 - Here are Her stats: She weighs approximately 3 pounds & 1 ounce. That is in the 64th percentile (already an over-achiever!). Her heart rate was 154 beats/min. And she was moving around like crazy for the whole thing!
4 - I had my glucose screening today, as well. I won't find out about those results for a little while.
5 - My Iron is back up within normal range! All that Iron-fortified cereal has done it's job! (Thanks Thursall, for sending me that great info about Iron-rich foods!)
Here are her pictures from the sonagram. She kept putting her hands up by her face, so we didn't get any great pictures. But here are the best of the bunch:

Here's a nice profile of her.

This is a nice head on shot of her face. This is basically what the 3-D one would look like. Looks pretty cool! She still has a hand up near her face, but pretty good picture for being a sonagram! She's already a cutie!
Well, that's about all for now. I'll come back and write more about the nusery and furniture later on or in the next couple days. I want to get it all looking good to show you all some pictures. Until then, take care!