Hey there everyone! So sorry it has been so long since I have blogged. I have been very busy and VERY tired lately! Ok, so here's what's been going on:
Last weekend some of my Raleigh friends had a shower for me, the first of 2 showers in Raleigh. (We decided to do 2 smaller showers rather than one shower that would have been rather large). This shower was with all the friends that I have met and become friends with since college. (the other shower is going to be with all my friends that I am still close with from college).
This shower was thrown by my craft girls: Sara, Diane and Harmony; and by my wonderful neighbor - Cindy. It turned out really nice and I REALLY appreciate everyone coming and especially the wonderful friends who hosted it!
Thanks Sara, Harmony, Diane and Cindy! The shower turned out great!
Here are some pictures from the shower:
We started out with some fun games - here one of my Bunco neighbors, Amy, is checking to see how closely she guessed the size of my belly!
Mmmmm, yummy food!

Look at the CUTE little lamb cupcakes that Sara made! Aren't they adorable!?!?!?
Here's a VERY cute little sweater that Harmony knitted for Olivia! She also made matching little socks and a little hat! - so adorable!
Ok, so other than the shower here's what I've been up to - I have been working on finishing up the decor for the nursery A LOT! I have spent a bunch of time getting things to make for the nursery and making them. I want to leave it all to show you in pictures once we've hung everything up. (We should be doing that today so I should be able to show you all pictures soon!). I think everything came out really nice and am excited that the nursery is just about done! Now, I just need to wash some clothes for her, sterilize some bottles and pack our bags for the hospital!
On a not so fun note, over the last week I have been SWELLING up like crazy! My feet look HUGE and I cannot fit into any of my own shoes anymore (excpept for flip flops!) UGH! I had to drag Grant out yesterday to help me find a cheap pair of shoes in a larger (and wider) size that I can wear to work - they have to be closed toed so I can wear them back in manufacturing! Anyway, we found a pair for only $7! Wow! Aside from my feet swelling, my hands have been swelling some, too. I haven't been able to wear my wedding rings (or any of my rings) for several weeks now and wound up getting a sterling silver band from Kohls to at least look like I'm married - instead of a single pregnant girl!
So, I guess this is what the end of pregnancy (especially for warmer weather) is supposed to be like - swelling, aching, soreness . . . yuck! I am getting very ready to have this little baby and be on my way back to my normal self! Anyway, aside from being swollen and sore and having trouble moving around - I am doing fine. We are just trying to get everything ready for Olivia's arrival. (We are even working on getting our Wills done so that we are prepared for anything - and getting her guardianship figured out - just in case!)
And . . . . here's what's coming up! I have another regular check-up on Thursday morning, we are meeting with our lawyer (for the Wills) on Thursday afternoon. Then . . . I am having my final shower next Saturday with all my college friends! Yeah!
Then, the next big thing is that I have my 36 week ultrasound on Monday, the 19th to see how far my placenta has been moving. Last time I talked to the doctor about it, she said that if it doesn't move much more, I still may wind up having a scheduled C-Section at week 39 (June 12th - ish) OR if if does move enough, I'll be just like all the normal preggo's . . . waiting for labor to arrive! Of, course I will keep all of you guys posted on that one!
Oh - the glider! Yeah, still not here. Next weekend will be 8 weeks since we ordered it and it was supposed to take 6-8 weeks, so hopefully it will be here by then! I may give them a call this week to check on it.
Ok, so I will blog again once we get the nursery decor finished and keep you all updated on my doctor appointments and on my upcoming shower. Until then, take care and keep in touch! I don't think I'll be going out too much more between now and the end as my feet are aching and swelling so much! So, feel free to come visit me anytime! :)