Look at them almost holding hands!
So, at pretty much any given time you could find one baby sleeping, one eating and one screaming. They pretty much rotated this pattern between them all day long. It was quite an eventful day in the lives of the little ones. We all had a pretty good time hanging out. Here are some more pictures of the special day:Saturday, June 28, 2008
Baby Bash 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
2 Weeks Old
So, this past week we got our proofs back from her photo shoot at Lundies Photography. They came out really cute and we are really excited to get the pictures when they are ready. Here are some of the little pictures that we didn't choose to put into the "hands and feet" collage. We still thought these were really cute so we just bought prints of each.
We also had her 2-week doctor's appointment today and she has gained even more weight. She is up to 7 Lbs 15 oz (25th percentile - but growing rapidly), 20" long (50th percentile) and her head is in the 60th percentile.
I did ask the doctor about her new nighttime issues. So anyway, she has been getting really fussy, fidgety and completely inconsolable in the evenings where all she wants to do is eat constantly. Then if we let her eat as much as she wants, she'll overeat and wind up throwing up REALLY bad (I mean exorcist-like). Anyway, the doctor said that it may be too early to tell, but it sounds like early stages of colic to him. (Great!) So, if it is colic, it will get worse before it gets better. Apparently it will continually get worse until 6-8 weeks then get better gradually and can last up to 3-4 months.
Basically colic is when a baby is completely upset and inconsolable for no apparent reason while being otherwise healthy and gaining weight regularly. They usually have episodes 1-2 times a day. She has her 1 episode every evening, usually starting between 7 and 10 and lasting several hours. So . . even though she has been an angel baby up until this, and still sleeps through the night (only waking every 4 hours or so to eat), she does have some testy moments. So, he gave us some tips to try to calm her down, we'll see how they work.
This weekend Chad, Becca & Drew are coming up for the day on Saturday to hang out so that the little cousins can meet. Grant's parents are also coming up for a bit, too. Apparently Grandad is quite smitten with the little one and is dying to come see her again! awww, how sweet! I'll definitely get some pics of the babies together to show you all.
Well, that's about all for now. I'll post some more after the weekend.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
First week alone!
Here's the little one taking a nap with Mommy
Here's the 2nd encounter with best buddy, Gracie. The way Olivia is eating, it won't take her long to catch up to her in size! :)
Passed out with Mommy . . . again!
Here she is all dressed up in her cute green dress.
Her friend, Mr. Bear
Sunday, June 22, 2008
More Olivia Pics
Here we gave her a sponge bath in the sink for the first time. Here's her little duckie bath towel. Isn't she cute?
Here are some pictures we took during her "amateur" photo shoot with our friends, Rhoger and Diane. The pictures they took are much better and we'll post some of those when we get them.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
I'm 1 week old today!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Visit with Grandmom and Nana
We also got some cute little family pictures of us and some other cute pics for your viewing pleasure:
Here's Daddy readying to Olivia for the first time!
Here's little Olivia in her favorite bib from Uncle Chad! :)
Today we have another doctor's appointment just to make sure she is still gaining weight well AND we have her first "real" photo session. (that's with a real photographer, not just mommy and daddy being picture crazy!). So, hopefully that will go well and she'll be in a good mood. I mean, there's no way she won't be cute, we just want her to be happy, too! :)
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
First Doctor's Appt.
We "were" worried about her weight with the whole breastfeeding thing - since you can't tell how much food they are getting. But after today, not so worried anymore. I thought that she seemed pretty demanding when it came to eating, but now I have confirmation. After describing her eating habits, the doc said that she is a very "voracious" eater and pretty impatient! So, now I've been calling her my little miss piggy! But she's adorable and I wouldn't trade her for anything!
Not much else going on around here for the moment. Susan and Nana are coming for a visit tomorrow so that Nana can meet her. So, other than that, here are the obligatory baby pics for your viewing pleasure!
Here's Olivia this morning in her jammies! Isn't she cute??
Here's Olivia's outfit for the day. Got to look cute for the doctor's appointment!
4 Days Old
Who are you???
We have also become quite addicted to taking pictures of our little one. We just think she is the most beautiful baby girl on the planet and can't help ourselves. So, here are some of our most recent favorites for your enjoyment.
Here's her first night home. She looks so little in her pack-n-play. She did so well!
Good morning, sunshine!
Olivia also has her first doctor's appt. this afternoon. She had already lost 1/2 lb (down to 7 lbs even) when we checked out of the hospital - but otherwise, her pediatrician told us that she was perfect and had normal weight loss. We'll get to see how she's doing now that she's left the hospital. I'll keep you posted on that one.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Home at last!
Here she is passed out with a clean diaper and a full belly!
Daddy and Olivia are getting some good bonding time together, too!