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Friday, August 15, 2008

Shots SUCK!

Ok, so we had Olivia's 2-month doctor's appointment today - which was her first round of shots. She had 3 shots and 1 oral vaccine. Let's just say that she DEFINITELY didn't enjoy them! She screamed out in pain and it was terrible to watch. Mommy even cried a bit at seeing the baby in such pain. She was obviously in pain most of the evening and pretty inconsolable. We've been giving her Tylenol and she isn't running a fever, but they are intramuscular shots so I'm sure tomorrow will be pretty rough.


Aside from the shots, we've found out that the little munchkin has been packing on the weight. She is now up to 11 lbs 3 oz (50th percentile). She is 22 1/2 " long (50th percentile) and her head is 15 1/2 " (55th percentile). So she is definitely growing. We knew she'd be above 10 lbs but didn't think she'd break 11. Wow, the little piggy! (but VERY adorable - even when she IS screaming).

Hopefully she won't be too sore tomorrow, but I've had intramuscular shots before and usually the day after is the worst (aside from the needle itself). So say a little prayer that she'll be not too sore tomorrow for her and we'll see how it goes.


Anonymous said...

I hope sweet little Olivia is feeling better. Give her a hug for us. She is getting prettier and prettier. Hope you are doing well. Love, Sasha

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.