Monday, February 25, 2008
My ribs hurt!
Other than that, I had a doctors appt today. Everything looked good (weight and measurements), but my iron is a little low and if it is low again next time, I'll have to start taking supplements. . . yuck! I guess now's as good a time as any to get over my aversion to red meat (left over from the morning sickness era) and start eating more of it! Olivia's heartbeat was strong and they found it right away - 150 beats/min - perfect!
My next appointment is the biggie! (March 31st) I'll have the ultrasound to check on that misbehaving placenta of mine and that will pretty much determine how the rest of the pregnancy will go. If it has moved, then everything will be normal. If not - then I may have more restrictions and will have another ultrasound every 3 weeks thereafter to check on it - but usually if it is going to move, it will have moved by that point (week 28). And if it never moves, I'll wind up with having a C-Section around week 37 (right around my 30th birthday!)
I will also have my glucose screening that day - to determine if I have gestational diabetes. I REALLY hope that comes up negative because I DO NOT want to live without my sweets - but especially not my starchy foods! Wish me luck with that whole appointment - that one is going to stress me out.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
I've got the Cruds!
Ok, so we did our registries this week at Babies-R-Us and at Target. There are a lot of items on each one because we half don't know what we are doing. But it's done and I'm glad for that. Other than doing the registry thing this week and being sick, not a lot else has been going on. Olivia Rose has been moving around quite a lot every day now. It is all still really strange to me when she hasn't moved in a while and I almost feel normal . . . then she moves and I'm going - "wait a minute, there's a little person in my belly!!!" The whole concept is really odd, but very cool! Grant gets to feel her regularly now and that's cool, too!
Aside from that, I'd like to congratulate my brother, Sean, and Camille on closing on their very first house this week! It has been a long road to getting it, but they have it and are moving in this weekend! I know they are excited and we are all very excited for them!! Can't wait to get back into town to see it all.
Here's what's coming up:
I've got another doctor's appt. on Monday afternoon. It's just a check-up, so there will be no new news on the placenta issue, but I'll get to hear the heartbeat and they'll check me out. Next weekend my parents are going to come help us get the nursery ready (paint, put up a chair rail & wanescoting). I'm really excited about seeing it all done! Now, just to wait for the furniture to come . . . then Olivia! :) We were supposed to do this a couple weekends ago, but little Drew decided to FINALLY show up that weekend and we were glad to postpone, then my parents are helping my brother move into his new house this weekend! (Sean, don't break dad - I need him next weekend! :)
Well, I hope everyone is doing well and staying away from the cruds! Take care and thanks for all the fun comments!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
A Rose
I already know that if/when we have a boy, his middle name will be "Houston" after Grant and his father. This way, Olivia will also have a family connection - and be named after her loving Grandma Noreen Rose!
So, now her new name will be: Olivia Rose Nelson
Monday, February 18, 2008
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Welcome Andrew Alan Nelson!
Here are his stats:

They went into labor thursday night/friday morning and arrived at the hospital around 2:30am (2 cm), they didn't even get into their own room until around lunchtime. They started her on pitocin around 2:30pm. Around 4:00pm, she was about 3-4 cm dilated. We got into town around 7 and she was still only ~4cm dilated. We stayed there for an hour or so visiting and decided that we needed to eat and let them get some rest so we left and Chad was going to call us if it looked like it was going to happen.
Apparently around 4am this morning, she finally got to 10cm (after an increase in pitocin) and they wanted to start pushing. She pushed for 2 hours to no avail. He was face up instead of face down so he was having trouble coming out. They stopped her from pushing because she was exhausted and her epidural was wearing off. A couple hours later they tried again. 2 more hours of pushing and still nothing.
So . . . around 9:30am they decided they would try to use forcepts and if that didn't work they would move right to a C-Section. They took her into the OR and tried to use forcepts to get him out. Still nothing. (stubborn little guy!), they wound up delivering him by C-Section at 10:15 am. It was a long, long road - but he is here and he and momma are healthy and doing well.
(Olivia - let's not follow in their delivery footsteps, let's be more like Sara and Randy and just come on out easily and maybe even a little early! :)
Friday, February 15, 2008
Drew-watch update!
Apparently she was woken up with bad contractions about 2 1/2 minutes apart at around 2:30 this morning and they didn't ease up so they took her in. She was only 2 cm when they last checked her at 4am, but since she is making progress and she is past 41 weeks, they are pretty sure they will keep her. So . . . I have a text into Mom and Dad to call me when they get up (no sense in waking them up this early!) and I'll let them know not to pack - we'll be headed there when Grant gets done at work. The nursery can wait!
Becca - we wish you a quick (not too quick so we don't miss it, but we understand :) and relatively painless delivery so you can finally see the cutie you've been hiding in your belly! Congratulations, Chad and Becca! Can't wait to meet him.
I'll post a good picture of him for you all to see, once he has arrived.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Drew, where are you???
Anyway, so Grant started back at work this week . . . and what a week it has been for him so far! Sunday he had a bit of a fever and has come down with a bad cold or something (just in time to start back to work). THEN on tuesday morning (his REALLY early morning) he came back into the bedroom at around 6 in the morning, and told me that his car wouldn't start. GREAT!! So, I let him take mine since I could do most of my stuff from home that day (except for the meeting I had to go to in Wilson - 45 miles away!!!). So I called my boss and he came to my rescue. He came by and helped get the battery out, which was like an act of congress. Apparently with the European cars, they really don't make it user-friendly to get batteries in and out of a car. Besides the battery being the largest one we'd ever seen, we had to remove some rubber molding - just to free up the large plastic frame that covered the battery and the whole back end of the hood. Then there was this crazy allen wrench bolt holding the bottom of the battery in place - which would have been fine except that you couldn't get to the stinkin' thing to uncrew it. So . . . a half an hour later, my boss and I had the thing out of the car and we were running late for our meetings. Ugh! So we put the battery in his car and headed off to Wilson. After our meeting, we got a new one at walmart and it didn't take us nearly as long to put it all back together once we had figured it out (and bought longer allen wrenches to assist us!!). So, half of my day was spent toying around with that and I didn't get a whole lot more done. But he has a working car again and successfully drove it to and from work today.
I did find out that my brother is quitting smoking . . . finally! I am sooo glad. I have been waiting for this day forever. He apparently just decided that it was time to quit on Saturday and has been doing pretty good with it. He's only had 3-4 cigarettes a day since then and seems really serious about quitting this time! :) Best of luck with that, Sean. And he is thinking about going to college to use his GI bill. So I was talking with him quite a bit about that. He just needs to figure out what to major in. That would be great for him to be able to have a real career that can take him into the future - one that doesn't involve lifting really heavy things and lots of physical labor. Anyway, I wish him luck with that, as well. Lots of changes for them!
Aside from all of that, not much has been going on here. Olivia has taken to sticking her foot in my ribs now - not fun! (not to mention that she is still kicking my bladder every chance she gets). Now if I can only figure out how to get a comfortable night's sleep, we'll be doing good.
Well, that's about all for now. Keep your fingers crossed that little Drew will decide that tonight's the night! :)
Friday, February 8, 2008
He can walk!!
Other than that, we are waiting for the phone call from Grant's brother telling us that Becca has gone into labor. She was due on Monday and no baby Drew yet! We are hoping it happens soon so we can go down there and see them, otherwise if it happens after Sunday morning, we won't be able to go until next weekend since it will be Grant's first week back at work! Keep your fingers crossed on that one!
This morning we re-visited one of the daycares we are considering and need to check back with the other one sometime to make our decision between them. We may have another possible option besides the daycare route, but we're still figuring that one out. I'll keep you all posted if we go that route - with more details!
Sara and I went out to the outlets in Smithfield this afternoon and got some cute new maternity tops I can wear to work and got a couple cute little outfits for Olivia (THEY HAVE LAMBS ON THEM!!!). We have our shelves for the nursery closet done, but not hung yet. Maybe we can get that done this weekend (if we are in town).
Other than that, I am still doing pretty well. Not enjoying having to sleep on my side and not sleeping well because of it. So, been pretty tired lately. Olivia seems to be doing well, still. She has started doing full fledged sumersaults lately and as I am typing this she is kicking me square in the bladder . . . "Livy, it's not nice to kick mommy's bladder!"
Well, that's about all for now. I'll try to write more often. For now, I need to head off to the bathroom!!! (thanks, Olivia!)
Friday, February 1, 2008
20 Weeks - Half way there!
Ok, so here are the 20-week belly shots for your viewing pleasure:
Ok, so here's what's been going on other than me growing like crazy. So, before I said that I was starting to feel her move a bit. Well, her little flutters have turned into pokes and then into pokes directly into my bladder!!! What in the world! She's already started giving direct hits to my bladder - that is sooo not cool! I've tried to reason with her and let her know that it is not nice to kick mommy in the bladder - but she seems to be just as stubborn as her mother. Ugh, kids these days! :)
AND the best part is that Grant felt her for the first time on Sunday night. It was very cool for him. She was going to town in there and he must have felt her kick at least a dozen times. I'm so glad that I can share that with him now. Her kicks (even those to the bladder) are very comforting with everything else going on. Now I at least know that she is still happy and doing well in there on a regular basis.
Other than that, the bedding that we ordered from Grant's parents came in and it is BEAUTIFUL! We both love the bedding and are so glad that we picked that one out. And the mobile is adorable with the little lambs on it. - Thanks Susan and Alan! Now I just can't wait to get the nursery put together and get the furniture to put the bedding on it! Her room is going to be great!
We are also expecting to hear from Chad, Grant's brother any day now when Becca goes into labor with little Drew. She is due on Feb 4th (Monday) and we can't wait to meet him. I know that they are excited to meet him, as well and Grant's parents are DYING to become grandparents for the first time. Best of luck Chad and Becca - can't wait to get the news that Drew is on his way! :)
Well, that's about all that is going on here. I still have about a month until my next appointment - which is just a checkup. Grant's follow-up appointment for his knee is Tuesday, so hopefully after that, he'll be able to start "learning" how to walk again. I joke, but I'm sure his leg is going to wonder what on earth is going on when he puts weight on it and tries to use it after 6 weeks of not using it at all. I'm sure he'll be up and around on it in no time since he is sooo anxious use it again! I'll let you guys know how his appointment goes.
Until next time, take care.